SFI business is a TEAM BUILDING business. It is an open secret to all affiliates that in order to succeed in this business, an affiliate must have his/her own team...an ACTIVE TEAM. But how can we do it? How can this be possible? And, how can it help you to become successful? How can it give MORE INCOME to you?
On "Getting Started" page it was discussed how to accumulate VersaPoints and also stated that reaching Executive Affiliate (EA) rank that requires 1500VP's was easy and achievable due to more than enough FREE VP's available on your To-Do Lists, while learning. In addition to it, every affiliate can stay as ordinary Affiliate (AFF) as long as he/she want and still earn Direct Commission and bounties through Pay-Per-Action. In short, building an SFI Team is a decision to be made by any affiliate, a decision that means more hard work, more investment (time and resources) and perseverance. Building a team needs patience, because like any business, online or a virtual one, it can't be done overnight.
Immediately upon reaching Executive Affiliate rank/status, you will received at least two CSA's (Co-Sponsored Affiliates). So from therein until the end of your second month, you have to decide if you have to keep your them and START building your SFI TEAM. Keeping your CSA's and deciding to continue growing team means you have to at least re-qualify your Executive Affiliate rank or advance to the next income level/rank by the end of the (2nd) month and onward. In doing so, you may need to invest time and resources (cash) to retain EA or advance to Team Leader rank due to insufficient FREE VersaPoints (daily, weekly and monthly action). Thereat, SPONSORING and DUPLICATION plays an important rule.
Sponsoring starts from promoting SFI and recruiting PSA's (Personally Sponsored Affiliates). In promoting, you can start it with your relatives, friends and co-workers or office mates. You can also post ads on bulletin boards or in social networking sites like facebook and twitter using MARKETING MATERIALs/AIDs with your personal Gateways. And in order to build an ACTIVE TEAM you must be an AWESOME SPONSOR, assist and guide your affiliates (PSA's and CSA's) on how to get started and help them to become and retain Executive Affiliate rank/status every month. Then, train and mentor them to and in building their own SFI TEAM to starts DUPLICATION.
Duplication means repeating a process to achieve a certain goal...to BUILD a team of ACTIVE AFFILIATES. That process is what we called 3 Ultra-Simple Steps/Plan of Duplication. As the name implies, let make it simple. Step 1 (1st month), become an Executive Affiliate (EA) by attending your daily LaunchPad Lessons and accumulating VersaPoints while learning the SFI system. By being EA you will earn a share from TripleClicks Executive Pool. Step 2 (2nd month), retain your EA rank/status by setting an Standing Order then recruit at least 5 active affiliates. Help this 5 affiliates to become EA in there first month by assisting, guiding them. Step 3 (3rd month), teach your 5 affiliates to do this 3 Ultra-Simple Steps/Plan. Show them the importance and benefits of setting an Standing Order, then help them to recruit their first 5 affiliates and guide them in building their own SFI Team. And advance to Team Leader status (when your first level downlines/5 affiliates become EA2) to earn more shares from Executive Affiliates through VersaPoints Matching.
This blog aims to promote online business, particularly SFI and TripleClicks, as a great program to invest with and an opportunity to start and grow business online. It also aims to encourage everyone to make business, particularly online business as a new alternatives to reach their goals and dreams...to have a better future with financial freedom.
Martes, Hunyo 3, 2014
Sabado, Mayo 31, 2014
ALERT: SFI Server Downtime
Please be informed that SFI Server will may experience intermittent downtime on Friday, 06/06/14, 10 pm CDT (Sat, 06/07/14, 11am Manila time) due to needed infrastructure updates and improvement. Service should be continually restored no later than Saturday, 06/07/14, 4 pm CDT (Sun, 06/08/14, 5am Manila time).
For more details please visit http://news.sfimg.com/2014/05/30/alert-sfi-server-downtime/
Sabado, Mayo 24, 2014
Huwebes, Mayo 22, 2014
PriceBender: Bonus Bar now on EVERY auction!
Starting today, we are testing Bonus Bars on EVERY Pricebenders auction!
The new Pricebenders Bonus Bar is a live, realtime progress bar that sits atop each auction. It provides TWO great benefits:
1. If bidding reaches the end of the Bonus Bar, we LOCK IN the price you’ll pay if you win. That is, now matter how much higher bidding goes, your purchase price will always be AT LEAST 77% off the MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price)! If bidding ends before reaching the end of the bar, your savings can be up to 99% off, but you’re now guaranteed to always save at least 77% off retail on every Pricebenders auction!
2. But that’s not all. Six times along the way, you can win FREE TCredits in our new Pricebenders Flash Drawings. To enter the drawings, just bid at least once in the 5 minutes prior to the drawing (earn one drawing entry per bid during the 5-minute time period). Limit: 3 drawing wins per auction.
With Flash Drawings every few minutes and multiple chances to win hundreds of FREE TCredits every day, Pricebenders is now more exciting than ever before. And now with a minimum guaranteed savings of 77% (the price you pay if you win the auction), Pricebenders has never been a better value!
Join us now and enjoy bidding auctions and win new and branded item/gadgets on a price far far below it suggested retail price or up to 99% off. Just sign-up at http://www.tripleclicks.com/13583717/pbgw
Miyerkules, Mayo 21, 2014
SFI's 3 Ultra-Simple Steps of Duplication.
In my previous blog, I already discussed duplication and it's importance in building our SFI Team. In SFI the highlights of our business was TEAM BUILDING, when you succeed in building your team...an Active Team, there's no way for you but to become successful. Having an active team of affiliates opens the most lucrative income stream in SFI, the Matching VersaPoints. Plus almost all available source of income in this business, such as (1) Direct Commission, (2) Executive Pool, (3) CSA Commission, (4) TCredit Bonus and (5) Second Home CSA Share. For this reason, duplication is a must.
To master duplication, we must practice this 3 Ultra Simple Steps.
1. Become Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain EA or higher every month.
2. Recruit at least 5 affiliates to starts building your team.
3. Teach, train and help them to do Step 1 and 2, as you did.
To further explain this, let me share you this business plan incorporated from this 3 Ultra-Simple Steps of Duplication. Please read;
3 Month Business Plan:
1st Month
Upon signing-up or joining SFI, your goal must be to become EA. To become an Executive Affiliate you need to accumulate at least 1500VP's (VersaPoints). There are enough free VP on your first month, all you have to do is to redeem it by performing simple actions/tasks on your To-Do Lists tab. Make sure to understand every articles/tabs that you read/visited before accumulating the corresponding VP's. Don't ever; ever expense a single cents. Focus on your training and explore the system, read as many tabs as you can to learn more and be familiar with the system.
2nd Month
Real business begins here. After you completed your training or the calendar month and reaching the EA status, now you need to expend a one time investment of $36.25 by setting-up an Standing Order. Make this on the early days (first week) of the month to automatically re-qualify your EA rank and receive another 2 CSA's (you will receive at least two CSA's upon reaching EA rank on your first month).
Now your goal is to recruit at least 5 affiliates to start building your team. Promote SFI and TripleClicks using the personalized gateways provided to you. Start it with your friend, relatives, co-workers or anyone who are interested in building their own business online.
Then assist then to become EA. Share to them your personal experience during your first month, guide them using the knowledge and information you learn in your training. Open a line of communication to them and make sure to be always there to help them and answer their queries/concerns. Build rapport, friendship and trust with them.
3rd Month
Realization. Your goal now is to train, mentor them to build their own team. Help them to do step 1, by this setting their own Standing Order (SO) as you did in your second month. Then Step 2, teach them how and where to promote their gateways to recruit at least 5 affiliates. You may also organized a Team Co-Op through S-Builder and assign sign-ups to them. Keep in touch with them through weekly news letters and help them or answer their queries or concerns if the have one.
Sometimes, things becomes hard because we make it complicated. SFI is a great and reliable program to invest and make business with. Just make it simple, follow this 3 Ultra Simple Steps of Duplication in your way to become successful.
If you are interested and willing to learn, sign-up here and contact me for more assistance...together will find ways to reach your goals.
Good day and happy networking everyone!
To master duplication, we must practice this 3 Ultra Simple Steps.
1. Become Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain EA or higher every month.
2. Recruit at least 5 affiliates to starts building your team.
3. Teach, train and help them to do Step 1 and 2, as you did.
To further explain this, let me share you this business plan incorporated from this 3 Ultra-Simple Steps of Duplication. Please read;
3 Month Business Plan:
1st Month
Upon signing-up or joining SFI, your goal must be to become EA. To become an Executive Affiliate you need to accumulate at least 1500VP's (VersaPoints). There are enough free VP on your first month, all you have to do is to redeem it by performing simple actions/tasks on your To-Do Lists tab. Make sure to understand every articles/tabs that you read/visited before accumulating the corresponding VP's. Don't ever; ever expense a single cents. Focus on your training and explore the system, read as many tabs as you can to learn more and be familiar with the system.
2nd Month
Real business begins here. After you completed your training or the calendar month and reaching the EA status, now you need to expend a one time investment of $36.25 by setting-up an Standing Order. Make this on the early days (first week) of the month to automatically re-qualify your EA rank and receive another 2 CSA's (you will receive at least two CSA's upon reaching EA rank on your first month).
Now your goal is to recruit at least 5 affiliates to start building your team. Promote SFI and TripleClicks using the personalized gateways provided to you. Start it with your friend, relatives, co-workers or anyone who are interested in building their own business online.
Then assist then to become EA. Share to them your personal experience during your first month, guide them using the knowledge and information you learn in your training. Open a line of communication to them and make sure to be always there to help them and answer their queries/concerns. Build rapport, friendship and trust with them.
3rd Month
Realization. Your goal now is to train, mentor them to build their own team. Help them to do step 1, by this setting their own Standing Order (SO) as you did in your second month. Then Step 2, teach them how and where to promote their gateways to recruit at least 5 affiliates. You may also organized a Team Co-Op through S-Builder and assign sign-ups to them. Keep in touch with them through weekly news letters and help them or answer their queries or concerns if the have one.
Sometimes, things becomes hard because we make it complicated. SFI is a great and reliable program to invest and make business with. Just make it simple, follow this 3 Ultra Simple Steps of Duplication in your way to become successful.
If you are interested and willing to learn, sign-up here and contact me for more assistance...together will find ways to reach your goals.
Good day and happy networking everyone!
Martes, Mayo 20, 2014
How Does SFI Works and How Can You Make Money From It?
SFI (Strong Future International) is multi-level marketing company established on 1998 or 16 years ago. Through it's Affiliate Program, it offers business and income opportunities online for free, yeah FREE membership with comprehensive online training/tutorial on business marketing plus an awesome, incomparable support available 24 hours a week, 365 days a year.
After you sign-up here you are automatically enrolled on it's one (1) month training and you can immediately start earning by accumulating VP's (VersaPoints). There are more than 2,000 free VP's available on your first month, redeem those VP's by performing tasks/actions on your To-Do lists tab, particularly the Getting Started, Intermediate, LaunchPad, Monthly, Weekly and Daily actions. Read and understand every articles/tabs in every tasks before accumulating the corresponding VersaPoints. You only need to accumulate 1,500 VP's to become an Executive Affiliate (make sure to accumulate at least 500VP's in your first 24 hours to avail the one-time 200VP bonus) that will qualifies you to have a share on the (monthly) TripleClicks Executive Pool. Remain EA (Executive Affiliate) every month to stay on income level and start building your SFI Team of Affiliates for additional income.
Upon qualifying EA rank, you will automatically receive at least to CSA's (Co-Sponsored Affiliate) to start up your SFI Team. Grow your Team by promoting SFI and TripleClicks using your gateways to recruit PSA's (Personally Sponsored Affiliate) and PRM (Personally referred Member). Be an awesome Sponsor, Train them to become future Team Leaders. Assist and help them to become EA and guide them in building their own team, using the knowledge and information you learn in your training...we call it DUPLICATION. Through duplication, we earn three (3) additional income stream, 45% CV Direct Commission (from PSA's and PRM's), 15% CV CSA Commission and Matching VersaPoints for additional share on Executive Pool (we earn Matching VP's upon qualifying Team Leader rank).
While building your Team, you can tap the following programs to supplement your income:
1. SFI's Pay-Per-Action (PPA) for up to $12 bounty fer qualified affiliate you referred to SFI using Pay-Per-Action gateway.
2. TripleClicks E-Commerce Associate (ECA) Program for 10% CV lifetime royalties from sales of every ECA that you referred to TripleClicks.
What is duplication and How do I explain the importance of it to my downline affiliates?
In SFI, "duplication" is the action of
generating a certain number of PSAs in your downline and teaching them to do
the same. For example:
acquire 5 active PSAs, who you then teach to acquire 5 each of their own active PSAs and so on ( up
to 12 levels in SFI). Each
must build their own team to succeed in generating a long term residual income.
The idea is they
will follow your lead with your support. Your actions and
progress in SFI carries the greatest influence on your downline. You must be willing
to teach duplicating methods, advertising, sales and so on in your
daily/weekly communication with your team is very important. Focus can be
enhanced by using a reward system for sign up goals. Consistent
recognition of their progress is a moral builder. You may try a
freelance reward system based on progress for your individual
achievers. Use contests to
keep them motivated and on target. Encourage goal
Your ability to
monitor your team and follow up with relevant information and tools to assist
them in their business are keys to everyone's success. To get your downline
to focus on duplication, as a Team Leader you must have established a good
relationship with them. Building a close relationship will take time. This can
be in the form of group support message, promotion/incentive and recognition. Constant
communication with your downline is very vital to build this kind of close
relationship. If you have shown to them that you are there for them in their
journey with SFI, then they will most likely listen to your tips and advice.
By displaying your badges
like, as a top enroller, S-Builder Co-op, Power Rank, etc. on your Leadership
page, you are leading a good example to them.
You can explain to
them that they will be able to achieve the highest Team Leader, (Platinum Team Leader), as they
continue to step up their sponsoring consistently, keeping in mind the
guidelines in “Be an Awesome Sponsor” ( https://www.sfimg.com/Training/AwesomeSponsor ). Let them know that by giving back to
invest some of your SFI earnings in the form of promotions and incentives (Gift
Certificate or TCredits) in helping them, you are performing duplication. By
doing this, you want them to be highly motivated.
For more tips and ideas regarding this topic, please
visit https://www.sfimg.com/Home?tab=ask_sc_question&id=7206
Lunes, Mayo 19, 2014
TripleClicks Song-of-the-Month
TripleClicks' own Battle of the Bands!
The TripleClicks Song-of-the-Month Contest provides music artists from all over the world the opportunity to expose their best songs to 2.5 million TripleClicks.com members. Just upload a song each month. TripleClicks members then vote for their favorites. The song with the most votes at the end of the month wins and is then featured on our homepage for an entire month. Learn more about it here https://www.tripleclicks.com/13583717.1982/artist
ECA Program?
The E-Commerce Associate (ECA) Program is a new program
available from TripleClicks.com that allows commercial sellers and companies of all kinds, from
around the world, to market their products and services side-by-side with our
own products and services at TripleClicks.com and also from their
own, separate TripleClicks "TConnect" Website.
And we've made it very easy for companies to plug in their
products and services. Indeed, the ECA theme is "Plug into a world of new
customers!" There's no cost for ECAs to list their products and services
and they can immediately begin taking advantage of the exposure and growing
worldwide traffic of TripleClicks.com. It's a "slam dunk" for them, a
total win/win.
If you have product and/or services and want to promote it or want to sell it online, sign-up here become an ECA and avail free promotion from affiliates and members worldwide.
Linggo, Mayo 18, 2014
SFI's E365 Contest
Entrepreneur365 (E365) is an SFI contest based on VersaPoints that every new SFI affiliate is automatically entered in. Each participating affiliate has the opportunity to win a share of OVER $100,000 in cash and prizes...while learning about how to create a successful SFI business!
E365 is a fun contest that gives you some great goals to shoot for during your first year in SFI. And while you're competing in E365, you're, of course, also accumulating LOTS of VersaPoints—points that you can put money in your pocket from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. There is no cost to participate in the contest, and you can earn VersaPoints through a variety of educational and business-building actions (see complete list of pointable actions HERE).

E365 is a challenge in which you compete with every other SFI affiliate who joined SFI the same day you did. The idea is to outlast them all and, on your 365th day in SFI, be named the champion of your class—an Entrepreneur365 Champion!
As an E365 Champion, you'll receive special corporate recognition, a spot on the E365 "hall of fame" Website, bragging rights, and a handsome plaque for your office wall (shown at right) to commemorate your achievement, and more. And, along the way, you will have the opportunity to win thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.
The E365 contest is divided into six rounds. The first five rounds are six days each (a total of 30 days). The sixth and final round takes place from your 31st day in SFI until your 365th day (335 total days).
Each time you advance to a new round, you are guaranteed to receive at least one prize, awarded immediately. Prizes get bigger with each subsequent round. See thePRIZES tab for a complete listing of the available cash and prizes.
All of the first five rounds use the same simple rule: Stay above "the green line" and you advance to the next round.
What do we mean by a green line? If you're in your first 30 days with SFI, you'll find the "green line" on the E365 Leaderboard (see LEADERBOARD tab). It displays the MEDIAN number of VersaPoints scored by all the members of your class to date that are still in the contest. To advance to the next round, you simply need to score more points than the median (i.e. be above the green line).
The sixth and final round begins on your 31st day in SFI. To win this final round and be named the Entrepreneur365 Champion of your class, you'll simply need to accumulate the most VP in your class by the end of your 365th day. For each of your 335 days as an E365 Finalist, you will have 25 chances to win cash and prizes in our Finalists Drawings (up to 8,375 chances to win). Finalists Drawings are daily random drawings for all qualified finalists from your class and all other classes still within their first 365 days in SFI. IMPORTANT! To be eligible for each day's drawing, just be sure you account for at least 10 VP or have a minimum 1500 VP Standing Order (to learn more about setting up a Standing Order, see this page.)
For further clarification on E365 contest and it's Official Rules, visit https://www.sfimg.com/E365?tab=info_and_rules
The Role of Patience in Networking
Hello, my dear fellow networkers! How are you? Hope you are fine and still has the desire and passion to build your own business...SFI business.
Me, since 19 December 2013 the day I joined SFI an ad on Clixcense I never miss to log-in to www.sfimg.com even a single day. To read and learn as many information, knowledge and tips/ideas as I can and to perform my daily, weekly and monthly tasks to accumulate all available VersaPoints...my badges speaks for it.
Although my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor are both supportive, I don't go to them frequently. I focus and concentrate on exploring the system by reading as many tabs/articles as I can everyday and use the Forum and Ask SC whenever I have questions or concerns.So far, since then I managed to maintain my Executive Affiliate status and just this 15th of May 2014 I was able to set-up an Standing Order of TCredits 125 pck.
Since the day I joined SFI until now I never lose my passion, desire and hope to fullfil my goals in joining here...to have a better standard of living. I do because I know like any other business online or offline it takes time to build a successful one. And for this reason, we need patience and persevarance to continue and consistently grow our business everyday no matter how small it is.And most importantly, set goals. From a long term one, digest it to monthly, weekly and daily then develop a plan on how to achieve those goals.
In this regards, let me share you this article about patience and its role in building a successful online/networking business.
Please read;
"The Role of Patience in Network Marketing
Postby Gabe 12222946 » Mon May 12, 2014 7:59 pm
Excellent Article by Brian Rooney ( Network Marketer)
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among folks that call themselves “network marketers”. Somewhere along the line, people are starting to get the expectation that network marketing, whether done online or offline, is a matter of opening an account with some flashy program and then just waiting for the money to come rolling in hand over fist. These are the same people that bounce from one program to another, trying this one, trying that one, and never sticking with any of them long enough to actually learn how to succeed.
They read an article or see a video of someone that seems to be experiencing quick success and think, “I’ll be rich in 30 days! All I have to do is sign up with this ‘guru’!”.
Then, when the riches don’t sweep them out of their living room in 30 to 90 days, they are off looking for another “program”. They blame the company. They blame the compensation plan. They blame their upline. But no matter what company they join, their results are always the same. It’s time to realize that if you have joined opportunity after opportunity and you haven’t succeeded with any of them, the common denominator is YOU!
Listen, there are people out there that are able to generate an income very quickly in network marketing. Companies love to share those stories with us. They’re exciting and they intentionally get us all pumped up.
What you may not be considering is the rest of the story. That person that is now a multimillionaire may have been bankrupt a few years ago. These same people have usually spent a lot of years building a solid reputation, generating their marketing lists, developing their skill sets, working on their own personal development, and establishing their credibility. What you see, now, is that they are able to quickly tap in to a large network that they have probably built over the past several years.
It may have taken them 10 years or more to get to the point that they now seem like an overnight success story.
The problem that I’m seeing comes in to play when a complete rookie signs up for a network marketing company and then thinks they are going to be able to, all-of-a-sudden, start generating wads of cash overnight. They typically have no marketing experience, no list, no credibility, no successful track record and they seem really confused when their bank doesn’t call them to ask what to do with the hundreds of thousands of new dollars that just magically appeared in their bank account.
It’s Time To Wake Up!
Success in network marketing comes down to following a few proven success principles consistently over time.
If you are new to the industry …
If you have never made more than $20,000 – $30,000 a year …
If you have never generated more than a few hundred dollars per month in any business opportunity …
You need to understand that there is going to be some time involved before you should expect to see a ton of money coming in. You’ve got some new things to learn. And that’s OK! The right upline can teach you a proven system to help you reduce the time required to learn but you are absolutely going to have to learn some new things if you want new results in your life!
No matter which company you join (provided you have joined a legitimate company), you are going to need to learn and implement the skills, tools, and techniques being used by the successful people in the industry.
Success can be influenced by things like timing, the right opportunity, a great product, etc…
Ultimately, your success will always come down to YOU making a solid and consistent commitment to take the right actions in the right ways over time.
I have seen people sign up for a network marketing opportunity, give it a month or two and then just quit. They say things like “It just didn’t work for me” or “I gave it my best shot” or “I”m just not cut out for this stuff”. They quit instead of commit to learning what it is they are missing.
I’ve also seen that same person’s downline seem to explode because someone else that was on that same team decided to learn and apply the skills required to succeed! If the person that quit had just been a little more patient and taken the time to learn some new skills, their income would have exploded, too!
Time For Some Truth Talk:
If you are thinking things like, “Well, I’ll give it a try” or “Let’s see what happens” or “I hope this thing works” … you are setting yourself up for failure.
There is plenty of evidence. We have no shortage of stories, testimonials, and documented evidence to indicate that success in network marketing is absolutely possible.
The decision you have to make is whether or not you can commit to doing whatever is necessary to create that sort of success for yourself. That sort of commitment requires a “never quit … no matter what” attitude. Your commitment to yourself and your own success will determine how far you go in this industry.
I’ve seen people with multiple college degrees do well in this industry.
I’ve seen people with no more than an elementary school education level do well in this industry.
I’ve never seen anyone actually fail in this industry. They either succeed or they quit.
Network marketing is the great equalizer. The variable is you. How dedicated are you to your own success? Commit to making it happen.
The results are well worth it!"
Hope it make some sense with regards on your desire to have your own business and make an extra income out of it. Join SFI Affiliate program now, SIGN-UP FOR FREE at http://www.sfi4.com/13583717.1303/FREE then get it started and stick to it...have patience in building it.
Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for new affiliate like me?
I once found myself
asking this very same question and after reading the materials in SFI, I found
the answers as such;
Yes, SFI playing field is
one of the fairest.
In fact, SFI is just at the inception of its potential growth. Although it has now 15 years of existence, it is only starting to scratch the surface of its potential, which is enormous.
Yes, this is the best time to start building an SFI Business for years to come.
SFI Corporate mentioned this in the Newsletter published early January 2014. 2013 was a year of unprecedented growth. That pace of growth is likely to continue.
All hard working affiliates are equally well positioned to reap the tremendous benefits of promoting an SFI business.
Actually, we are in a better position today than the earlier Affiliates. We have tools they did not have. We have a global market. They did not. We have a speed and efficiency of communications that did not exist before. We are building on their success while they started from scratch.
To give examples of the practical advantages we have today, which did not exist in 1998, when SFI was incorporated, let's look at your country. The Philippines have a population of about 102 million as per figures relating to 2011. Unemployment rate is above 7%, while gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (per person) is only at
PHP 118,476, (in local currency) the equivalent of $2,918 per year.
Your market includes all the literate people who are unemployed, or not fully employed, or not satisfied with their employment, or those who are looking to be open their own business.
It is safe to say that, in a year or two of hard and smart work, as an SFI Affiliate, you could be in a position to make a monthly commission close to that average annual income per person in the Philippines today. At the same time, you would also be building your residual income (for retirement so to speak). A successful SFI Affiliate who retires would be able to maintain their income level. This is not possible for an employee in any brick and mortar business and in any country. Today people are retiring nearly empty handed.
It is interesting to note that your country is the third most active in SFI, after India and the USA. However, the above statistics are closely similar for India, Pakistan, South Africa, and Nigeria, just to mention a few of the top SFI countries.
Another interesting fact is the rate of penetration of the internet in all these countries, which is extremely high. Worldwide, internet access is making leaps and bounds, opening new areas of recruiting for us.
It is clear that in 1998 very few Filipinos had access to the internet. This fact applies also to the other countries that are leading today in active SFI Affiliates. Marketing reach and methods used by SFI Affiliates at that time could hardly go beyond North America. Today, we reach at every corner of the globe and growing.
In fact, SFI is just at the inception of its potential growth. Although it has now 15 years of existence, it is only starting to scratch the surface of its potential, which is enormous.
Yes, this is the best time to start building an SFI Business for years to come.
SFI Corporate mentioned this in the Newsletter published early January 2014. 2013 was a year of unprecedented growth. That pace of growth is likely to continue.
All hard working affiliates are equally well positioned to reap the tremendous benefits of promoting an SFI business.
Actually, we are in a better position today than the earlier Affiliates. We have tools they did not have. We have a global market. They did not. We have a speed and efficiency of communications that did not exist before. We are building on their success while they started from scratch.
To give examples of the practical advantages we have today, which did not exist in 1998, when SFI was incorporated, let's look at your country. The Philippines have a population of about 102 million as per figures relating to 2011. Unemployment rate is above 7%, while gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (per person) is only at
PHP 118,476, (in local currency) the equivalent of $2,918 per year.
Your market includes all the literate people who are unemployed, or not fully employed, or not satisfied with their employment, or those who are looking to be open their own business.
It is safe to say that, in a year or two of hard and smart work, as an SFI Affiliate, you could be in a position to make a monthly commission close to that average annual income per person in the Philippines today. At the same time, you would also be building your residual income (for retirement so to speak). A successful SFI Affiliate who retires would be able to maintain their income level. This is not possible for an employee in any brick and mortar business and in any country. Today people are retiring nearly empty handed.
It is interesting to note that your country is the third most active in SFI, after India and the USA. However, the above statistics are closely similar for India, Pakistan, South Africa, and Nigeria, just to mention a few of the top SFI countries.
Another interesting fact is the rate of penetration of the internet in all these countries, which is extremely high. Worldwide, internet access is making leaps and bounds, opening new areas of recruiting for us.
It is clear that in 1998 very few Filipinos had access to the internet. This fact applies also to the other countries that are leading today in active SFI Affiliates. Marketing reach and methods used by SFI Affiliates at that time could hardly go beyond North America. Today, we reach at every corner of the globe and growing.
1. SFI is now in its 16th
successful year on the Internet. If not fair or credible, will not last that
2. With tens of thousands joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. New Starters every single day.
3. Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 200 countries. Newbies included - ME INCLUDED =)
4. Peace of Mind. Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven, debt-free company with a long, successful track record.
5. If still in doubt, check out SFI's LaunchPad questions.
6. Learn about SFI's history, company leadership, sub-divisions, and more. To increase your confidence in this business. Your Own Business !!!
7. Being new is not a disadvantage, we learn from more seasoned affiliates. Smart people learn from other's mistakes, so we do not make one ourselves.
8. Keep asking / communication with your experienced upline/s. How they became successful from start.
9. Every single month VP starts anew and each member has to repeatedly earn their EA status. Totally Fair.
10. Many people, the experienced one had tasted success and benefits because they invested in it and put in much effort in it. What have you done to make this biz work ?
When we combine all these factors, it is clear that we have today a much greater opportunity that the early SFI Affiliates had.
Then, I would encourage you and every other affiliate who joined recently, to see SFI as a real potential for building a sound and strong business for the future of many years to come. I wish you to do just that and I wish to every SFI Affiliate to be very successful. Equal opportunities for all. Work hard and smart, duplicate and keep learning.
2. With tens of thousands joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. New Starters every single day.
3. Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 200 countries. Newbies included - ME INCLUDED =)
4. Peace of Mind. Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven, debt-free company with a long, successful track record.
5. If still in doubt, check out SFI's LaunchPad questions.
6. Learn about SFI's history, company leadership, sub-divisions, and more. To increase your confidence in this business. Your Own Business !!!
7. Being new is not a disadvantage, we learn from more seasoned affiliates. Smart people learn from other's mistakes, so we do not make one ourselves.
8. Keep asking / communication with your experienced upline/s. How they became successful from start.
9. Every single month VP starts anew and each member has to repeatedly earn their EA status. Totally Fair.
10. Many people, the experienced one had tasted success and benefits because they invested in it and put in much effort in it. What have you done to make this biz work ?
When we combine all these factors, it is clear that we have today a much greater opportunity that the early SFI Affiliates had.
Then, I would encourage you and every other affiliate who joined recently, to see SFI as a real potential for building a sound and strong business for the future of many years to come. I wish you to do just that and I wish to every SFI Affiliate to be very successful. Equal opportunities for all. Work hard and smart, duplicate and keep learning.
And for those who are
still looking for online opportunity, join us NOW. Sign-up now for FREE at http://more.sh/PerfectAssistance and be one of us.
How can you build your SFI business on a tight budget?
It is no
doubt that many well-meaning affiliates have found themselves in this situation
one way or another. This question calls for what I call survival Business
Tactics only that these particular tactics apply to SFI Business
1. Spend Your Time Wisely. It is your most valuable asset.
Log into your Affiliate Center daily and get your to do daily tasks done. Missing out for even a single day deprives you of free daily 11 VP. Those few points missed severally might be the difference between the winner of the E365 class champ in your class and yourself.
2. Refer as many ECA'S as you can to TripleClicks to sell their products. I have NO doubt that this method alone can help you start making not just the 10% cv off of their total sales but you then use some of the money earned to advertise your business in better ad sites for duplication and growth. This method a lone is GOLD!
3. Advertise Daily on FREE Ad sites
You can chose to post your ECA or prospect referral links on free ad sites such as safe lists, traffic exchange sites, Facebook, Google+, Linked In etc. This will require your time because with safe lists or traffic exchange sites you will have to earn points to post your ads. I know of an SFI Affiliate who succeeded with this method of referral in only 18 months and is already a PTL with a strong down line.
4. Start a coop with your down line. This is another very good way to work smart. Put funds together with your team and either join the S-builder or an ad source of your choosing then distribute shares to each person. I could never emphasis enough the power of a Team working together. It's always a WIN WIN for all.
5. Do not forget after completing your to do daily tasks to enter the daily Grand. Never give up because you haven't won a thing yet. I have severally personally won in the Daily Grand and so can you. If you won say 200VP in the Daily Grand. That would make a difference between you and the next person above or below you in your class on your race to Championship or re-qualification as an EA.
6. Play T-time credit draw daily. It is on every hour. You have a chance to win 2 free T-Credits. You can then use the won T-credits in the pick the price contest to win some more T-Credits for Free usually 25 or 100 once a day.
7. Setting up a standing order with any TripleClicks purchase helps you save tremendously. That is a work smart move.
8. Buy locally to eliminate any shipping costs. That is working smart too.
9. Take time to read and learn more about the business especially critical areas such as Marketing, sponsoring and Duplication in your Affiliate Center. Gery Carson himself said it "Leaders are Readers". Information is Knowledge and Knowledge is power.
While there are many survival tactics I am confident that these are very helpful to get you started with very minimal spending. Best Success Wishes Ahead!
For more
ideas and tips regarding this topic, sign-up here then visit this link https://www.sfimg.com/Home?tab=ask_sc_question&id=9284
How to Get Started with SFI for FREE?
Getting started with
SFI is so easy. You immediately begin earning income from TripleClicks
Executive Pool by earning VersaPoints (VPs) awarded for doing simple
actions while you are learning the FREE internet income business
The business is simple. You need to read, review, understand and
carefully follow instructions to learn and focus yourself on:
You goal is to accumulate as many VersaPoints you can every month from
doing simple actions. 1,500 VPs is needed to qualify yourself as an
Executive Affiliate each month. The more VP you score, the higher you rank and
the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool.
A Fast Track Badge is awarded to those who have earned 500 VP
within their first 24 hours with SFI and their names are included in
the "Fast Track Wall of Fame";https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/FastTrackHallOfFame.
When you sign up with SFI, you automatically become a member of TripleClicks,
the international superstore of SFI Affiliates. You got a Personal
Homepage with SFI that contains your personal account that link you to tabs
leading to the FREE Internet Business Training SFI system and a Personal
Homepage with TripleClicks that links you to a lining of VersaPoints value
added in its shelves that updates daily..
SFI has diversified internet income business opportunities at any level
of business interest one might have in mind that can earn unlimited income.
Most affiliates navigate these tabs and become excited. With this feeling, they
became overwhelmed and confused where to start. The best strategy is to
concentrate on your To-Do Lists Tab at SFI Affiliate Center homepage.
Your To-Do Lists tab contains the List of Actions/Tasks you need to perform to earn its corresponding VPs. Here are some of the lists of actions/tasks on your To-Do Lists tab;
1. Getting-Started Actions - the bulk of VPs being awarded is in this section
of your VP Ledger. For doing the tasks, you will earn as much as 945 VPs that
includes 200 points awarded for gaining 500 VPs within your 1st 24 hours with
2. Then Intermediate Actions – you can accumulate at least 900 VPs (including
500VPs for getting Payoneer MasterCard through TripleClicks) by performing
tasks in this section. There are 10 articles you have to read and 10 articles
you need to review. 10VPs are awarded for each article (click the Capital
Letter V with a number on it after reading and reviewing each article. The
number represents the VPs awarded to you for doing the tasks.
3. Daily, Weekly and Monthly Actions – we have 10 Red Tabs (from To-Do
lists, to Tips, Stream to Ask SC) daily, visit and read all of this tabs to
earn 10VPs. Then perform your weekly (38VPs) and monthly (15VPs) actions for
additional 167 total VPs.
4. LaunchPad Lessons - read and understand each lessons and answer the review
question at the bottom to redeem 15VPs per lesson. There are a total of 30
LaunchPad lessons (450VPs), you can do this within your first month in SFI in
daily basis.
For installing TripleClicks banner, create a personal blog at simplesite.com
for free. You only have to copy and paste TripleClicks banner on your personal
blog/website. This simple action on your Intermediate Action section,
will earn you 100 VPs. Make good use of your personal blog/website as
a vehicle to your advertising campaign.
By doing all of the above listed tasks/actions, you can already accumulated
more than 1500VPs. Enough for you to be an EA (Executive Affiliate). As EA, you
will receive a notification from SFI confirming your status and will be awarded
with at least 2 Co-Sponsor Affiliates (CSAs) to start building your SFI Team.
Being an EA, you can enjoy some executive perks and powers. Like Co-op Manager,
where you create an advertising coop for
your team for free if you are already an Executive Affiliate. Visit your
Co-op Manager, read and carefully follow the instructions. You will earn 100 VPs
ones you have completed the action.
Start your advertising campaign to recruit your Personal Sponsor Affiliates
(PSAs). While waiting result from your advertising campaign, continue
doing your daily and weekly actions, to earn as much as 482VPs for a calendar
month with 30 days.
The highlight of our business in SFI is Team Building. Continuously post the Marketing
Aids and Gateways personally provided for you, on free advertising sites. There
are plenty of them in Google. Be an Awesome Sponsor. Teach your future affiliates
to duplicate what you have done.
The above procedures were meant for your personal knowledge as SFI affiliate,
on how the system works. There are various ways to earn VersaPoints. For
more details visit your SFI;s Compensation Plan.
For non-affiliate, you can
join us by signing-up at http://www.sfi4.com/13583717.1382/FREE and start an online
business for free.
What is SFI and TripleClicks with Relation to You?
What is SFI?

What is TripleClicks?
TripleClicks, the international superstore of SFI. It got more that
111,495 products lining its virtual shelves, with new products being
added daily. You'll find products in a wide variety of categories,
including: Antiques & Collectibles; Apparel; Arts & Crafts; Books;
Business; Computers; Digital Downloads; Education; Electronics; Food &
Beverage; Gifts & Flowers; Health & Wellness; Home & Garden;
Jewelry; Magazine Subscriptions; Miscellaneous; Movies, Music & Games;
Personal Care & Beauty; Pet Care; Phone & Accessories; Real Estate; Romance;
SFI; Sports & Outdoors; TCredits; Tools & Automotive; Toys, Kids &
Baby; and Travel.
What do these got to do with you?
SFI allows anyone who has a computer, tablet, or smart phone to start
earning money within minutes. Registration is FREE, no purchase requirement
ever, can do business on your free-time, can cancel registration anytime
without any obligation to think of afterwards.
SFI Affiliates Marketing Group provides a free 30-day online exclusive
internet income business training that includes an interactive live session
with an ongoing assistance from a personal team coach; 24/7 system support;
complete marketing techniques, tools and aids needed to start and own a
home-based internet income business and have a webpage with TripleClicks to
promote your personal products.
You are not an employee but an online entrepreneur in the real sense.
When you sign-up with SFI Affiliates, you automatically become a
Tripleclicks member and got the opportunity to earn unlimited income from SFI
and Tripleclicks diversified programs.
As above mentioned, you can start immediately, have a home-based online
business, earn shares of the Executive Pool of TripleClicks and can start
without any monetary investment. For every VersaPoints you earn, you earn a
share of the Executive Share of TripleClicks. You then got a share in
TripleClicks profits.
This will only happen when you sign-up and give yourself the opportunity
to start earning unlimited income while learning. Here is your invitation
gateway: http://www.sfi1.biz/13583717 sign-up now and
start building your own online business.
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