SFI business is a TEAM BUILDING business. It is an open secret to all affiliates that in order to succeed in this business, an affiliate must have his/her own team...an ACTIVE TEAM. But how can we do it? How can this be possible? And, how can it help you to become successful? How can it give MORE INCOME to you?
On "Getting Started" page it was discussed how to accumulate VersaPoints and also stated that reaching Executive Affiliate (EA) rank that requires 1500VP's was easy and achievable due to more than enough FREE VP's available on your To-Do Lists, while learning. In addition to it, every affiliate can stay as ordinary Affiliate (AFF) as long as he/she want and still earn Direct Commission and bounties through Pay-Per-Action. In short, building an SFI Team is a decision to be made by any affiliate, a decision that means more hard work, more investment (time and resources) and perseverance. Building a team needs patience, because like any business, online or a virtual one, it can't be done overnight.
Immediately upon reaching Executive Affiliate rank/status, you will received at least two CSA's (Co-Sponsored Affiliates). So from therein until the end of your second month, you have to decide if you have to keep your them and START building your SFI TEAM. Keeping your CSA's and deciding to continue growing team means you have to at least re-qualify your Executive Affiliate rank or advance to the next income level/rank by the end of the (2nd) month and onward. In doing so, you may need to invest time and resources (cash) to retain EA or advance to Team Leader rank due to insufficient FREE VersaPoints (daily, weekly and monthly action). Thereat, SPONSORING and DUPLICATION plays an important rule.
Sponsoring starts from promoting SFI and recruiting PSA's (Personally Sponsored Affiliates). In promoting, you can start it with your relatives, friends and co-workers or office mates. You can also post ads on bulletin boards or in social networking sites like facebook and twitter using MARKETING MATERIALs/AIDs with your personal Gateways. And in order to build an ACTIVE TEAM you must be an AWESOME SPONSOR, assist and guide your affiliates (PSA's and CSA's) on how to get started and help them to become and retain Executive Affiliate rank/status every month. Then, train and mentor them to and in building their own SFI TEAM to starts DUPLICATION.
Duplication means repeating a process to achieve a certain goal...to BUILD a team of ACTIVE AFFILIATES. That process is what we called 3 Ultra-Simple Steps/Plan of Duplication. As the name implies, let make it simple. Step 1 (1st month), become an Executive Affiliate (EA) by attending your daily LaunchPad Lessons and accumulating VersaPoints while learning the SFI system. By being EA you will earn a share from TripleClicks Executive Pool. Step 2 (2nd month), retain your EA rank/status by setting an Standing Order then recruit at least 5 active affiliates. Help this 5 affiliates to become EA in there first month by assisting, guiding them. Step 3 (3rd month), teach your 5 affiliates to do this 3 Ultra-Simple Steps/Plan. Show them the importance and benefits of setting an Standing Order, then help them to recruit their first 5 affiliates and guide them in building their own SFI Team. And advance to Team Leader status (when your first level downlines/5 affiliates become EA2) to earn more shares from Executive Affiliates through VersaPoints Matching.